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Life Begins at 40……..

I really think there is something in this. Let me explain why.

Carl jung quote which says life really does begin at forty, up until then you are just doing research

Many clients often tell me a milestone birthday has been the catalyst for them realising that something has to change. I hear people describing themselves as being burnt out, exhausted, or feeling lost and unfulfilled. It got me thinking about why? What’s so unique about a significant birthday? Why does it become such an important juncture?

So here’s my theory…..

In our early years we are cogs in a system being funnelled along (school, college, university, and then into work). We don’t know ourselves yet, so we follow what we are told to do often influenced by what society or those around us expect. And often it works….for a time.

But as priorities shift, family or financial commitments increase, life takes more from us. Increased responsibilities make us consider our own mortality, our energy, our physical and mental health, and ultimately what WE want from the next chapter. We want the scales to balance, for the give and the get to be more in tune. So we start to consider questions like:

➡️ Is this the life I REALLY want?

➡️ Is it enough for me?

➡️ Is what’s got me here, enough to get me to where I want to go?

And this is where the magic of coaching comes in……..

It provides chance to reflect, to reframe and refocus. And from that point, it almost becomes a reawakening, the comeback story, the re-emergence of the real, most authentic, most aligned version of you, a you that gets to choose.

There’s potential for a whole new lease of life, a life that works for you rather than feeling like a passenger swept along. For some that could be “downshifting” and actively choosing to embrace new passions and priorities or choosing to not over-invest in the things that matter less. For others it could be a complete change of direction to retrain for a new career. The beauty is that you get to choose and you get to choose at a point in life where (as George Eliot said) “it’s never too late to become what you might have been.”

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